Monday, April 20, 2015

Fingerchips at BK's Place, Thamel

So, we were craving for food. Who wouldn't after a long stroll around the streets of Thamel without food? We decided to hop into the town's remarkable FRIES specialist BK's Place. (It was my first time though!!)

Navigating through the busy streets of thamel was not so difficult, and the restaurant was not difficult to find either. (Google Maps is such a handy tool these days.)

We chose to take a table on the rooftop and ordered some French Fries Along with some SPECIAL Sauce.

It took about 10 minutes (or may be less) to bring us our order, that precious time was nevertheless utilised for taking pictures, of the people on the streets and of course some selfies ;)

Diving into the fries now.

Fries were not so significantly different than the usual ones I used to take. However it was delicious. Outer crust was crispy while the inside was soft. The SPECIALSauce was basically a mixture of tomato ketchup and mayonnaise with shreded onions as toppings (To be ordered separately.) The combination definitely enhanced the overall taste.

The restaurant was clean, reasonable in terms of price, did not have to wait too long for the food and the luscious taste kept lingering in my mind for a while.

Give it a try! ;)

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