Thursday, February 2, 2017

MoMo at Botaबोता, Simply MO:MO, Kumaripati

Sandheko Bara Nuggets

FoodPirate is back! Hopefully to stay for a longer period now. After disappearing for a year, I thought of reviving my "Food Piracy" series in Kathmandu's eateries.

Bota Simply MoMo Food and Restaurant, at Kumaripati, Lalitpur, is one fine restaurant for those who would love to explore Nepal's traditional cuisines with little bit of improvisations in the recipe. You have to self serve by ordering at the counter with wide range of varieties of MoMo, Bara, Choyela, fries, and what not.

My taste buds were more excited to try out each and every item of the endless menu but my stomach warned them to keep calm. So I ordered "Jhol Chicken Momo", "Sandheko Momo", "Sandheko Bara Nuggets" and some carbonated drinks.

As the restaurant had few customers at that particular hour, the order was ready within 5 - 6 minutes. First on my food palette was Jhol Momo.

The name already explains how it would be served. Momos drowned in the pool of warm spicy "Jhol" (soup) looked delicious and I got my first bite. Momo in itself was just a regular one but what tantalized my taste buds was the savory soup. It contained a perfect blend of hot and sour taste. And on top of that it was well mixed with finely diced meat. That was a WOW factor! Every drop of the soup entered my sternum.

Jhol MoMo

Sandheko Momo was next in my table. Served in special bowl made out of leaves called Bota (That's why the name of the restaurant named after) looked very appealing. It was obviously another version of regular MoMo but with a twist of additional flavors from onions, tomato lemon extracts and uncooked mustard oil. This item failed to impress me so much because of my non - inclination towards the taste of oil. For me, the oil dominated the taste and I did not like that. If I had to make similar food, I would perhaps substitute mustard oil with olive. And not to mention it was really spicy. 

Sandheko MoMo

Last item on the table was Sandheko Bara Nuggets. Definitely not at all comparable to the usual chicken nuggets in terms of culinary, it did impress me a lot. Bara was prepared in the form of rings mixed in proportions of onions, tomato, lemon juice and "moong dalmoth" sprinkled on the top. The taste was the combination of hot and sour and the crispiness of Bara was intact.

So, overall food experience was incredible. Having not eaten throught the day, it filled up my tummy. The ambiance was beautiful with green shades on the wall. Girl on the counter was polite. And price was little bit expensive than those in stalls but is justifiable. I left the place with all smiles! 

Ambience: 4/5
Food: 4.5/5

PS: I have to thank my other three partners in crime. 😄 

Bota Simply MoMo Food and Restaurant

Welcome Message to the Customers
Ph: 980-2055040

If you have tried any items in this place please do share. Let me know what was your favorite. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Fingerchips at BK's Place, Thamel

So, we were craving for food. Who wouldn't after a long stroll around the streets of Thamel without food? We decided to hop into the town's remarkable FRIES specialist BK's Place. (It was my first time though!!)

Navigating through the busy streets of thamel was not so difficult, and the restaurant was not difficult to find either. (Google Maps is such a handy tool these days.)

We chose to take a table on the rooftop and ordered some French Fries Along with some SPECIAL Sauce.

It took about 10 minutes (or may be less) to bring us our order, that precious time was nevertheless utilised for taking pictures, of the people on the streets and of course some selfies ;)

Diving into the fries now.

Fries were not so significantly different than the usual ones I used to take. However it was delicious. Outer crust was crispy while the inside was soft. The SPECIALSauce was basically a mixture of tomato ketchup and mayonnaise with shreded onions as toppings (To be ordered separately.) The combination definitely enhanced the overall taste.

The restaurant was clean, reasonable in terms of price, did not have to wait too long for the food and the luscious taste kept lingering in my mind for a while.

Give it a try! ;)